# Saying Hello Tina's already said hello but you can tell her your name and she'll say hello to you. First, find the line where Tina says `"Why, hello there!"`. Next, change it so that she's saying hello to you. My name is Elliott, so I'd change what she says to `"Why, hello Elliott!"` ```python.run import turtle tina = turtle.Turtle() tina.shape('turtle') tina.penup() tina.forward(20) tina.write("Why, hello there!") tina.backward(20) ``` The program you wrote above is great for people that have the same name as you, but what if someone has a different name? We can write a program that asks for your name with the `input` function, so that Tina can get it right for anyone's name. Run this program and enter your name: ```python.run import turtle tina = turtle.Turtle() tina.shape('turtle') your_name = input("What's your name?") tina.penup() tina.forward(20) tina.write("Why, hello, " + your_name + "!") tina.backward(20) ``` The `input` function is what makes the program ask you for your name. Whatever you type in is then stored in a `variable`. Tina uses this variable to remember and then say your name! We can teach Tina to say anything we want using `input`. Can you add `input` to this program so that anyone who runs it can tell Tina what to say? ```python.run import turtle tina = turtle.Turtle() tina.shape('turtle') say_what = "What should I say?" tina.penup() tina.forward(20) tina.write(say_what) tina.backward(20) ``` Hint: the `say_what` variable is what Tina says in this program. How can we use `input` like we did above that the program will ask whoever runs the program what the variable should be? --- Thanks to Trinket.io for providing this assignment, part of their [Hour of Python](https://hourofpython.com/a-visual-introduction-to-python/) course.