# More Projects

# Beginner Projects

# Intermediate Projects

# Send a Smile

For this project, you will need a friend, or two Micro:bits. Start with the Send a Smile (opens new window) project to send a smile to another microbit. Then, expand your project to:

  • Send a frown if another button is pushed
  • Pick a random Micro:bit ( random radio group ) to send to if another button is pressed.

# Teleporting Duck

For this project, you will need three people. Start with Group teleporting duck (opens new window). When you get it working, modify your project:

  • Change the program to send other things instead of ducks.
  • At the moment, if it picks a random number that’s the same as your own ID number, you have to shake again. Modify the program so this never happens. There may be more than one way to do this.
  • Player 1 always has the duck at the start of the game. Could you improve the program so the first player with the duck is chosen at random? How would you communicate this to every player’s micro:bit?

# Advanced Project

For this project, you will need 2 Micro:bits. Start with the Proximity beacon (opens new window) project, and after you get it working expand the project by:

  • Make the bar graph display on both Micro:bits/
  • Make the display show a face that gets happier as the microbits get closer, and sadder as it gets farther away.
  • Use these programs to make a treasure hunt game: hide the beacon and put the receiver code on lots of micro:bits
  • If you're outdoors or in a large space, experiment by changing the transmitter power. It can be any number from 0 to 7